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Structured Snippets: Enhancing Search Results with Key Information at a Glance

Structured snippets are an ad extension that can enhance the appearance and performance of your ads in search engine results pages (SERPs). They provide additional information about your business or product, making it easier for potential customers to find what they're looking for and increasing the likelihood of a click-through.

Structured Snippets: Enhancing Search Results with Key Information at a Glance

What are structured snippets?

Structured snippets are extra information that appears beneath your ad in search results. They can provide a wide range of information, from product features to services offered. Each structured snippet consists of a header and a list of values. For example, if you're promoting a marketing agency, your structured snippet headers might include "Service" and "Specialties," with values like "SEO" and "SMM."

Why use structured snippets?

Structured snippets can make your ads more informative and eye-catching, leading to higher click-through rates (CTR) and better conversion rates. By providing additional information about your business or product, you can give potential customers a clearer idea of what you offer and why they should choose you.

In addition, structured snippets can also help your ads stand out from the competition. A structured snippet can make your ad more noticeable and enticing if your ad appears alongside other ads with only basic information.

How to create structured snippets?

To create structured snippets, you'll need to log in to your Google Ads account and navigate to the "Ads & Extensions" tab. Select the campaign and ad group to which you want to add structured snippets and click "Extensions."

Next, click "Structured snippets" and choose the category that best fits your business or product. You can then add your header and values, using concise and compelling language to grab the viewer's attention.

It's important to note that structured snippets are not available for all ad formats and languages. Check Google's guidelines to ensure your ad is eligible for structured snippets.

Tips for using structured snippets effectively

Here are some tips for making the most of structured snippets in your ads:

  1. Choose the right category: Make sure your chosen class accurately reflects the information you want to provide. This will help potential customers better understand your business or product.

  2. Be concise: Keep your headers and values short and to the point. This will make it easier for viewers to scan and understand the information.

  3. Highlight your unique selling points: Use structured snippets to showcase what sets your business or product apart.

  4. Test and refine: Try out differently structured snippets and monitor their performance. Use this data to refine your approach and optimise your ads for better results.


Structured snippets are a powerful tool for enhancing your ads and attracting more customers. By providing additional information about your business or product, you can make your ads more informative and engaging, leading to higher CTRs and better conversion rates. So, take some time to create effectively structured snippets that accurately reflect your business or product and highlight your unique selling points.

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